This year, I was asked to become the Box Tops For Education Chairman for the elementary PTA in our small town. I won’t lie to you and say that it hasn’t been a little time consuming! However, it has definitely been rewarding not only for me, but for our school district! Box Tops For Education is an excellent way for your child’s school to raise free money….yes, free money!
These are just a few of the items currently in my home that carry the Box Tops For Education label. There are actually hundreds of General Mills products that have the labels…everything from Cheerios to Hefty trash bags. General Mills graciously adds more products each year to the list and I suspect that you have currently have several of these items in your home. Many times, they will offer bonus Box Tops as you see on the Betty Crocker Peanut Butter Cookie mix. Even some of the wholesale clubs sell items that have 5 to 10 bonus Box Tops on them.
…And yes, that is a box of Hamburger Helper. I’ll admit it. I do buy the stuff! We don’t eat it that often, so don’t freak out. Hey, times are hard, money is tight and my kids have to eat!…
For each one of those little labels you clip and turn in to your school/PTA, General Mills will pay 10¢. I know what you are thinking…10¢ big deal! Well, that 10¢ adds up very quickly when your school/PTA promotes this campaign and gets people involved. It is a big deal in our school district. Last year we were #4 in the state for total money raised. This is free money for our children that we use to purchase needed equipment for the schools, instead of begging the school district to put it in the budget. We all know how difficult that can be!
So this is what works for us and our school district and I know it could work for you too! Check out other great ideas each Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.
I was the "Boxtops Queen" for the boys' school when we lived in SC. BoxTops is one of the few programs that actually pays the school money. It isn't a catalog wherethe school choose stuff; it is really cash. Great program!
Yes, it's a great program. Hey, don't feel bad about the HHelper ... it was on my menu plan for the week :) My kids actually request it!
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